The Hub & Spoke Method

The hub and spoke method is an inbound marketing strategy that prioritizes lead generation (and happens to provide a solid roadmap for content production). A single webpage or piece of content serves as your “hub” and all other assets (called “spokes”) direct leads back to that hub. You can think of spokes as the cookie crumbs of content; they’re really just touch points that lure prospects back to the hub. The goal is to “capture” contact information through a form to generate leads and then either pass them off to sales or nurture until qualified.

For each new product launch at TelNet, we create a campaign based on this strategy. Every digestible offshoot (whether it’s a social media post, ad, blog or webinar) directs a reader back to our centralized, gated piece of content (most often an eBook) in order to capture their contact information. You can see this strategy in action in the campaign below.

Giving Teams a Voice

As Microsoft began to dominate the collaboration platform arena in 2020, TelNet launched Direct Routing, an over-the-top voice service for the Teams platform. Because it enables users to make and receive phone calls to their business number without ever leaving the application, Direct Routing allows organizations to use Teams as a corporate phone system.

Taking our cue from the hub and spoke model, we created an all-encompassing eBook, and then built a campaign around it. We adapted the message and style across a variety of mediums, as you can see below.

direct routing.png

The resulting campaign included a landing page to capture leads from the eBook, an animated video (and subsequent landing page), Google ads, LinkedIn ads, a series of blog posts and a number of email nurture campaigns (both to new prospects and to our existing customer base). In the campaign’s first month, it had a 21.82% conversion rate on LinkedIn and the CPC was less than a third of our other campaigns. A success!

Building Brand Authority

The hub and spoke method works well for TelNet because it allows us to build our brand authority in a multidimensional way. By creating lots of spokes around a centralized piece of content, we increase the opportunities for engagement and are able to successfully move leads through the funnel.

To be clear, it’s not just about making great content. In the era of digital-first marketing, it’s about optimizing for rank in search engines, carving out visibility in a crowded market and developing a meaningful relationship with prospects by guiding them along the stages of the buyer’s journey.