Welcome to the Migration Station

For nearly two decades, TelNet Worldwide provided old-school technology to old-school businesses. And we were good at it too. So good, in fact, that our brand became inextricably associated with these legacy services. Unfortunately, this had become a problem in the era of remote work and cloud technology.

We had new offerings, but couldn’t quite shake off our legacy identity. We needed a way to signal to new and existing customers that the company had evolved with their needs. We needed to explain why we had migrated to the cloud, and why they needed to as well.

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And so the Digital Transformation Guide was created. It encouraged businesses to embrace cloud communications technology, and laid out a roadmap to get them there. The chaptered handbook walks through the pitfalls of legacy technology, the dangers of sticking with it and the benefits of migrating to the cloud.

Creatively, the guide brought together concise copy, sharp design and a dynamic user interface. Strategically, it was an internal linking gold mine and laid the groundwork for future campaigns. Plus, it provided an adaptable source of content that we built into LinkedIn ads, presentations and an eBook, as you can see below.


When TelNet decided to pivot from traditional telecom to cloud-based unified communications, the brand had to be repositioned as an authority in the digital migration space. As far as marketing was concerned, that meant ensuring our digital identity was aligned with this new direction and building a repository of content to prove it.

We used the guide (in all its forms) to educate our customer base, advertise to new prospects and position TelNet as an authority in the cloud migration evolution. As the company focus and product set evolved, so did the brand’s voice, messaging and visual identity.

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